Monday, April 18, 2016


Probably the best supporter of Columbia Athletics of all time has passed away.

Bill Campbell has died at the age of 75.

Our condolences go out to his family.

We did not always agree, but I always respected Campbell and his devotion and intentions for the best at Columbia were never in question.

I know I'm not the only one who thinks that Campbell's old #67 should be remembered with a black #67 patch that the team wears on all uniforms to honor him this season.

In fact, I think ALL Columbia sports team should wear that patch for the next year.


  1. This really hurt. I played with his son.

  2. RIP to The Coach of Silicon Valley. Had I known he was ill I would not have been some critical of his involvement in the program these past few years.

  3. At last night's BB banquet, it came out during Kyle's speech that Campbell had written a letter of recommendation for Kyle that, as Kyle put it, probably put his hame near the top of the applicant pile, and the rest is history. Then during Pilling's speech, it came out that Campbell called Pilling as soon as the CIT selection was announced and told him to make sure that we get to have the games at home.

    Dr. V

  4. Good idea, Jake! Nobody loves Columbia more than Bill did; and as far as I know, nobody has done anywhere near as much for us as he has!

    Besides, he was just an exceptionally fine human being!

    Roger Dennis CC'66


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