Friday, April 1, 2016

Full Integration

Readers of this blog have often read about my wishes for a head coach and a football program that were truly a part of the overall university experience, even intellectually.

This was the way it was in the days of Lou Little, but not since.

I'm getting my wish with Head Coach Al Bagnoli in many ways.

The latest example comes from Columbia Business School where superstar Prof. Adam Galinsky invited Bagnoli to speak at his management seminar.

Success and leadership, in sports and in business, are valuable commodities and the experts know it when they see it.

1 comment:

  1. That is something the hiring committee should have been looking at in previous seasons. Would the head coach be suitable to speak in a academic setting? We know the answer with Pete would have been a certain no. Really great to see how Coach Bags is redefining the role of CU football head coach.


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