Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Road to Toal

Greg Toal

In a move that is still shaking New Jersey high school football to its core, Don Bosco Head Coach Greg Toal has been ousted. 

While the official story is that Toal retired, no one is buying that. And some of his former players, including former Columbia Lion football player Nick Mistretta '12 are trying to get some justice for Toal.

As someone who at least wanted Toal to get more of a chance for the Columbia head coaching job back in 2012, I'd like to see Head Coach Al Bagnoli find a spot for him on the staff now. Toal's connections to top local talent would be a plus for at least a few more years down the road. I've noticed that we don't currently have any Bosco players on the Lion roster, (hint, hint).


  1. Don Bosco, a friend who was a trustree for some years, continues its inexorable marh=ch to be a bona fide "prep school" in the vein of St. Paul's and Groton. (The obvious model is Portsmouth Abbey in RI.)

    That noted. I've never heard particularly nice things about Coach Toal as a person. Columbia night also be a big step down for him. Bosco spent more on travel costs for one away game than CU does in an entire season. A huge, sleek operation, not at all as "homey" in feel as Ivy Schools seem to be. Nor is it the training ground for big time college programs one might summe, though I did note in the program, whenwe playted SUNY Albany at home, tat three of its players were Bosco products. Trust not the Salesins, my ex-trustee friend suggests.

  2. Jabril Peppers left Don Bosco for another Catholic school in Bergen County. I have always wondered about that, since he was an off the charts D ! mega star while at Bosco. As far as budgets, the days of Columbia skimping on the football budget are three years behind us.


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