Friday, May 26, 2017

The Class of 2021 (continued)

Moving on now with a quick look at the next four incoming players in alphabetical order:

Josh Bean looks like the kind of QB whose leadership abilities, heart, and head are his best calling cards. And you can see him becoming a team leader 2-3 years down the road. With the Lions desperately in need of a solid backup QB right now, Bean might have a chance to make an immediate impact. This is especially true because of his running abilities.

Cameren Carter hits close to my heart as he is the son of Hector Carter '91, who played during my own student days at Columbia. But it really doesn't look like Cameren is some kind of legacy case. There is definitely some talent here, weighed against the fact that Columbia already has a lot of young talent at linebacker.

Dillon Davis is a QB from a very strong championship program in Texas, and frankly that makes me a little nervous. I always wonder how players from dominant programs will fit in at the Ivy level where even the best teams don't dominate as consistently. I'm also concerned about how a kid raised on a cattle ranch like Davis will adjust to Columbia. But the fact that he has a married brother living in Manhattan now definitely eases those concerns. Davis could be an exciting prospect.

Myles Davis is a wide receiver from Chicago, as in the actual city of Chicago. I say that because it's amazing how few players we see in the Ivies who come from within the Chicago city limits. But now Columbia has two in Davis and sophomore WR Christian Everett.  Everett showed some nice flashes last year. Davis is one of those mystery players who is tough to gauge right now.


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