Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ivy Power Rankings

1) Yale

Yale is tied in the Ivy standings with Columbia and Cornell, and Yale has beaten both Columbia and Cornell. Enough said.

2) Columbia

Of the three teams tied for first, the Lions look like the second best for now.

3) Princeton 

Another stumble at home to Cornell doesn't change the fact that the Tigers can still beat anyone in the league.

4) Dartmouth

A brutal two weeks for the Big Green have shown us that this team just doesn't play for 60 minutes.

5) Harvard

Definitely getting better, but not quite there.

6) Cornell

What?!?! A team tied for first in the Ivies is ranked 6th here? Yep.

7) Penn

Beating Brown by only 10 points is now a cause for concern.

8) Brown

The Bears have lost all their claws. 

1 comment:

  1. Lets root for the Orange (the FB team, not the President)...to take down Yale. The rest is in our control


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