Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Al's Pitch

We all know the best pitch for Columbia Football when it comes to recruiting.

But rarely have I heard it as well articulated as Head Coach Al Bagnoli made it on a Florida sports radio show last night, (click here for the show, Bagnoli's segment begins about 34 minutes into the tape).

As we await the official release of our 2018 freshmen class, hold off on any doubts you may have until you hear Coach Bagnoli on this program. And remember, these are also words spoken by a guy with nine Ivy League titles and has already turned around a 24-game losing streak team into an 8-2 championship contender in such a short amount of time. 


  1. I, too, listened to Bagnoli's interview on a South Florida sports radio station last evening (5/8/18) and was, once again, impressed.

    Bagnoli deserves all the accolades he's receiving. Just a few short years ago, Columbia's football team was arguably the worst team in the FCS. Then Pilling got Al to come to Columbia, and in another few short years, Bagnoli has fostered an unbelievable transformation in Columbia football, making the team into a perennially competitive squad capable of contending for the Ivy League championship every year.


  2. It's now about 11:30 pm, Friday, May 18, 2018 here in Boulder, CO.

    I've been reading the bios of the incoming class this Fall. I just finished reading Ryan Young's bio. According to it, Ryan chose Columbia over all the other seven Ivy schools that also recruited and admitted him. Pretty impressive!

    I'll be spending most of the weekend reading the bios of all the other Columbia Football 2018 recruits. Should be fun.


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