Monday, June 24, 2019

Bullish on '19

Hero Sports is predicting big things for Columbia Football this fall, as you can see for yourself in this piece released yesterday.

But I use the word "predicting" loosely as the bullish outlook does not include any prognostication on where exactly the Lions will end up in the standings.

That doesn't mean the article doesn't hold good value for Columbia, especially since embedded in the piece is the longer-form 2018 CU highlight video, which I hadn't seen until now.

Hero Sports is also correct in noting that much rides on junior QB Josh Bean, who health and development as a player are likely the two biggest variables determining Columbia's 2019 success.

With 89 days to go until the season kicks off, we're still several weeks away from fuller and more informed predictions and forecasts on all eight Ivy teams. But when I have more season preview, I promise to include how I think the final standings will shake out.

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