Monday, August 2, 2021

Replacing a Legend

Douglas Straley

Columbia announced today that Douglas Straley from Manhattan College will be replacing the retired Jim Gossett as Head Athletic Trainer

One of my greatest regrets of the tougher and shorter available blogging schedule I've faced for the last 3 years or so was the fact that I didn't really have time to pay tribute to Gossett when he announced his retirement. But the department did post a nice story about him in April

There were few people like him. Jim dedicated his entire working career to Columbia sports and especially the football program. He knew so much about the last 40 years of CU football, it could fill volumes. He also kept in close touch with a lot of former players and remained their friend. 

Straley will have big shoes to fill, and hopefully the fact that he's familiar with the are close to the Baker Athletics Complex will help him adjust quickly.

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