Thursday, August 26, 2021

Some Quick Updates


Mitch Moyer

Getting Defensive

Junior DL Mitch Moyer has beefed up to 275 the healthy way and looks like he will go a long way towards answering one of the team's biggest questions going into this season, which is: "can the D-line keep Columbia competitive? For those keeping track, Columbia hasn't had a starting DT that kind of size since Lord Hyeamang tipped the scales at 285 lbs. in 2017. 

Crystal Balls

For my new readers, you should know that for many years I've been doing predictions for every Ivy football game and every game our non-Ivy opponents play. I give both my predictions for the games straight up and against the spread. 

Top 10 Coda

During this long offseason, I had been compiling my list of the Top 10 Columbia Football games of the 2010-2020 decade. I won't have time to write up full reviews of the remaining four games on my Top 10, but I will list them below with links to how I covered those games at the time. 

It should come as no surprise that the top 3 games of the decade all occurred during the 2017 season, where the Lions finished 8-2 and put together so many exciting wins. 

Here's the full list of my Top 10:


  1. Another good report: Phil Steele picking Mariucci as 2nd team all Ivy TE. If Steele knows what he’s talking about, this is great news, but only if, of course, the OC has installed a more versatile and focused passing game to take advantage of this weapon. We’ll find out soon.

    And indeed it was a “ happy surprise” to hear about Justin Woodley. You have to give him a lot of credit for not hanging it up. Let’s hope his past injuries have not hampered his development as a top notch LB.

  2. Good to hear that Moyer has beefed up... How about taking some of those 285+ OL and moving them to the DL? I'm sure that we could add 2 beef eaters to the DL and thus add depth..,. The alternative? Undersized DL that tend to get pushed around...Despite the lack of size on the DL Paul Ferraro is my choice for best CU coach, after Bagnoli of course.


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