Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Nizialek Makes the Show!

On January 21, 2013 a young man from Northern Virginia named Cameron Nizialek reached out to me on Twitter.

He had just committed to play for Columbia as a place kicker/punter and he was so excited to connect with anyone connected to the school or the program. 

Cam became a great specialist for the Lions, reaching the pinnacle of his career for the Light Blue with a dramatic TD score off a fake field goal at the Yale Bowl against the Elis in 2015.

After graduation from CU, Nizialek did a graduate year with the Georgia Bulldogs and got to start in the national championship game. 

Now, Cam has kicked it up yet another notch by earning a starting spot as the punter for the Atlanta Falcons. 

It's a great dream come true for him and I know everyone here will be rooting for him! 

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