Monday, November 15, 2021

Weird at Wien

 There were a lot of strange things about Columbia's 23-17 win over Brown Saturday. Here are just seven of them:

-In all my years of going to Columbia football games, I've never seen a weather delay during a game at Wien Stadium. We did have a delayed start at Towson in 2008 because of some lightning in the area, but that's it.

-When the rain stopped and the Lions had tied the game, a rainbow appeared above the southern end of the stadium.

-PK Alex Felkins missed two PATs, but nailed a 42-yard FG. Yes, he technically had the wind behind him for the FG attempt, but it was hardly blowing in a straight line and a 42-yarder is never a gimmee. 

-After the one-hour weather delay, the teams agreed not to go in for a full halftime break and they just had a 5-minute time out on the sidelines. It was a merciful decision for everyone's sake, but in a game where every PSA-laden media timeout was taken without fail, it was a weird surprise. 

-Columbia's sudden surge in the 3rd quarter was much more like something we've seen from Lion opponents over the years. It wasn't quite like Brown's stunning surge in 1994 that erased a 27-10 Columbia 3rd quarter lead and led to a a 59-27 blowout loss to the Bears, but it had some of those elements. 

-After going three games without a lost fumble or an INT, (and losing two of them), Columbia committed one of each against Brown but still won the game. 

-Ryan Young's 60-yard TD catch and run along the west sideline into the south end zone was a rare example of a really astute call by the referees. They correctly noted that Young was forced out of bounds by the defender before the catch, but then re-established himself in bounds in time to make the catch and run legal. Anyone who noticed the official's hat on the ground after that TD was very likely to believe the TD would be incorrectly negated. 


  1. Re the weather—Abut 10 or so years ago we were playing Yale at home and were hit with a sudden snowstorm which covered the field. We played on although the yard lines and boundaries were covered.

  2. I was at that game and the snow came down hard before the game. but it was not really coming down during the action. So they played on... We lost 16-13


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