Thursday, June 16, 2022

News Blackout

 Last year, it was surprising that it took until the late date of June 3rd for the incoming freshman football class to officially be announced. 

Well, here it is June 16th and there is no announcement in sight. 

I'm not sure if there's a bureaucratic hold up, but it's also strange that season tickets are not available for sale either. 

I know there are probably staffing issues in the Athletic Department, (is there any office in America without them these days?), but these delays lead me to believe there may be some serious work challenges facing the staff and/or new Ivy/NCAA regulations forcing delays on official class announcements. 

1 comment:

  1. Fifth year seniors. The transfer portal. I suspect both these things have contributed to the delay in the official class of 2026 announcement. Be encouraged though, as a significant number of players are in the city this summer working out in the weight room and on the field. While I will never have the patience for “process”, I can appreciate that Lions Football now actually exists in a place of expectations. Thankful for that.


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