Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Ivy Power Rankings, 10/18


1) Harvard 

The Crimson haven't been tested since the Holy Cross game, can Princeton do it? Probably not. 

2) Yale

The Elis are getting in a groove.

3) Brown

The Bears offense continues to operate almost perfectly. 

4) Dartmouth

The Big Green is struggling with consistency, but they're still in the running. 

5) Penn

The Quakers didn't exactly look impressive in their close win over Columbia. 

6) Princeton

The Tigers have their toughest games ahead. 

7) Columbia

The Lions offense just isn't functioning correctly.

8) Cornell

The Big Red are running on empty. 


  1. I'm as big a Lion fan as anyone, but to have Cornell dead last when they have a Yale W in their pocket seems absurd. Lions in their current version will struggle to win an Ivy game.

    1. Agree with Anonymous. Our offense (or lack thereof) makes us the worst team in the Ivies. The Fabish and Bell devotees would have us believe that everything is fine, we should be ashamed of ourselves for thinking it’s not, we can’t possibly do any better, etc., but the truth is if we had an even passable offense (pun intended), we’d be in the mix for second place. Barring some switches on offense, we’ll continue to struggle, and after we lose to Dartmouth, Harvard, and Yale, I think Jake will drop us to eighth.

    2. I think we beat the Green

  2. Cornell beat Yale and also lost to Bucknell. Hard to fathom how that could happen. Whether CU is 7th or 8th, it's depressing to be arguing about it. Many other comments get to this, but we have a top 3 Ivy defense and top 3 special teams with arguably best P and PR in the league, giving us consistent field position edge. But we have the #8 offense in the league despite good run blocking and RB depth. A hard year for Lions fans. If we can't improve on 40% passing, we may end up 8th overall despite two of our three units being very competitive.

  3. Hurry Up and Wait is not the correct designation for the offense. It took me way too long to realize it. How about "The Three and Out?"

  4. I believe Jake is spot on with his picks, Harvard is a great team, Yale is dealing with injuries, they’re getting healthier. As Cornell, The Sun always shines on a dogs a** . Every once in a while.
    Days gone past,Columbia May have lost but a play here and there. These very well could have been a win. Fabish is doing well. The team has to learn how to close the game out . With proper focus and execution. They’re a hair of getting it done . Go Lions!

    1. “Fabish is doing well.” That’s hilarious. We’re on our way to a last-place finish and we have no offense, but yep, other than that, he’s doing great. Meanwhile, a thoroughly mediocre Penn team is 4-1. Coaching doesn’t matter, eh?

    2. But this is a far cry from the old Columbia teams that would get blown off the field against the other Ivy 3rd teamers. They were very close to beating Princeton and Penn. He makes a good point.

  5. I'm as big of a Lion fan as anyone but they are dead ass last right now, I don't care how close the losses were...they are losses.

    Goodbye Fabish and staff....

  6. Yeah because nothing says winner like “big columbia fan”. How did this fan base come to be so entitled in the 8 short years since bagnoli was hired? You all sound so foolish

  7. Entitled? Might want to check his Ivy record here. Thank G Big Red cared less about football than we did some of those years and the Rhode Island Community College had some terrible teams. Otherwise that " good" Ivy win list is super lean.

    They aren't beating any one until they change some cast members and scheme on O.

  8. This team is very talented and has the ability to compete with anyone. They are just lacking the execution. I know that the rain has been a constant thing that everyone has been complaining about, however dare I say the rain has actually been keeping us in these games? The rain plays to our strengths because it causes both sides to mostly keep everything on the ground. Strength of our defense is run stopping, strength to our offense is running. Just trying to be realistic here but I’m not so sure the two Ivy League games would be close if it wasn’t for the rain. Our passing attack is abysmal and our pass defense is a little too soft. I’m for one, hoping we get Yale and Brown in the rain to limit their passing ability a little. Harvard seems like an arduous task no matter the weather conditions. Cornel should be slightly in our favor. Curious if others feel the same or maybe I’m just delusional

  9. 100% spot on regarding the defensive backs.

  10. Looks like rain again Saturday. This time Fabish will forgo the run and go with his favorite! The"Bubble Screen!" No, he can't be that incompetent. Can he?

  11. During Surace’s first two seasons Jake rated him the worst coach in the IL. His record was terrible. But he hit his stride after a few seasons. I think Fabish will be fine; one of his former teammates, a prominent lawyer, thinks Fabish is going to be a great coach—smart, knows the game, connects with players. So lay off of him for the rest of the season.

    1. Who cares if he is a prominent lawyer?

  12. You haven't been watching the offense in the last few years, nor this year. Most of the resurgence under Bagnoli was due to the emergence of a stout defense created by Paul Ferraro, continued by Justin Stovall.

    1. Fire all the coaches! Who’s with me?!

    2. After he just complimented Stovall. Reading comprehension not your strong suit?

  13. In all fairness to Mr. Surace, he had head coaching experience before getting the job at his alma mater, PLUS seven plus years coaching in the Cincinnati Bengals organization. We should be so lucky as to find our next Head Coach be the second coming of Bob Surace.
    Until then though, we should focus on rooting hard for the Lions for the rest of this season.

  14. But didn't Fabish inherit a team loaded with talent? Surace arrived and found the cupboard not only empty but beyond bare!

  15. I agree but why won't Fabish change the QB?

  16. Just to piss off you jagoffs!

    1. How will you and the other Fabish flunkeys spin this one? You know, the whole bit that “the coaches are infinitely wise and you should trust entirely in their decision to stick with Bell”? Now what? Is it possible that the posters calling for Green to start the last few weeks were actually right??? Surely any conclusion (no matter how baseless) except that one!!!

  17. False premise jagoff. Big difference between “give this staff a chance,” and what you claim the non-jagoffs here are saying.

  18. Let me simplify it for you. Several posters have been calling for Green to play (for several weeks). He’s now going to play. Were they right or were they not?

  19. Green was never the answer. Commenters on here made him out to be a football god.


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