The unofficial fan blog of Columbia University football. (My previous CU Lions blog ran from 2005-2011 at
Friday, February 7, 2014
Cidzik takes Demotion to Stanford
Ryan Cidzik
Multiple sources now tell me that now-former Columbia strength and conditioning coach Ryan Cidzik has bolted to Stanford, where he will take a position on Shannon Turley's staff.
I am efforting more information on this developing story.
How can taking a job at a Pac10 (or whatever they are now) powerhouse be a demotion? Regardless of title, Stanford is a great place to be. Granted, Columbia's weight and conditioning facilities are quite good as of the Campbell upgrade but it does not compare to what Stanford has to offer. This will propel his career.
I dont get Jake at all. He constantly talks about how bad CU program is, and when a guy leaves for a place like STANFORD he calls it a demotion! Gotta love the hypocrisy there.
Did any of you actually go to Columbia? Even if you didn't you should be aware of such common language practices as sarcasm, irony, hyperbole, etc. Jake was making a witticism to mock Mangurian's huge build-up of Cidzik, the Maestro of the weight-room. Cidzik apparently turned Houdini to get as far away from PM as possible, or maybe PM doesn't want him around as a reminder of last season. Probably both.
He may one day make his way up the ladder at the Farm, but this guy was THE MAN here and was still running a program.
The asst. coaches who aren't very Nice, and troll this site and comment under nicknames, must be freaked out by this and wondering if there's still time for them to bail out on the sinking ship too.
Chick, that blew over my head! Though, I do suspect this was simply about a chance to advance his career.
I am all for Pete bashing when it is due but in this case it's a pebble in the pond. The real test will be how he assembles talent and game planning across the board for the renewed season. I am tired of hearing how he feels the team is entirely prepared but gets clobbered anyway. Time to show results with or without a world class strength and conditioning coach.
All the furor about a strength coach shows how bad our program is. Was he recruiting players and teaching them how to throw, catch, run, block and tackle? Was he drawing up plays and formations? JAKE--the most interesting trend on your blog lately, I think, and am curious about your opinion: There are apparently some parents and grandparents of players here, maybe players too, who don't like the complaints of veteran alums who are tired of a history of losing. "That was then, this is now, we want to concentrate on the present and future, etc." This is understandable, even predictable. Newcomers want a fresh start. Old timers have seen all the fresh starts turn into same-old. What struck me was Mangurian's mantra from his first day here that the past was irrelevant, only what happens henceforth is important, you make your own history, not live in the past, etc. Great with me, if only it would happen. Will it happen under PM, or will his years prolong the same-old? Either way, it would be well for both sides to realize that they are on the same side, and to fire away not at each other but at those actually responsible, whether it's LB, DM, PM or all of them plus others. Your four years are soon over, and then you're an alum for life. Let's pull together.
Great points Chick. I am still awestruck with the possibility that PM would be telling his staff and players that the former players, alums and fans aren't worth their time or attention. amazing
What Jake meant by "demotion," albeit sarcastically, is that Ryan is moving to an assistant position after being the head guy at CU. Funny that it's Standford, from whom we've gotten Nottingham and now the de-commit Devin Williams. You can't make this stuff up.
I think we need to credit Pete for giving us all this drama, a real gridiron soap opera, to keep us from being bored during the off season. Upcoming episodes involving new assistants should keep things rolling along, and who knows what the scriptwriters for "Only at Columbia!" will come up with next? Hopefully recruits and their parents who dare to read this blog will be just as captivated as we are. Is it possible that a winning team can emerge, if eventually, from all this? My own guess is yes, it can happen, the law of averages favors us, and the football gods will finally show us some well-deserved sympathy.
How can taking a job at a Pac10 (or whatever they are now) powerhouse be a demotion? Regardless of title, Stanford is a great place to be. Granted, Columbia's weight and conditioning facilities are quite good as of the Campbell upgrade but it does not compare to what Stanford has to offer. This will propel his career.
ReplyDeleteI agree. That's a reach Jake. You don't know what his financial package or job duties are at Stanford.
ReplyDeleteI dont get Jake at all. He constantly talks about how bad CU program is, and when a guy leaves for a place like STANFORD he calls it a demotion! Gotta love the hypocrisy there.
ReplyDeleteDid any of you actually go to Columbia? Even if you didn't
ReplyDeleteyou should be aware of such common language practices as sarcasm, irony, hyperbole, etc. Jake was making a witticism to mock Mangurian's huge build-up of Cidzik, the Maestro of the weight-room. Cidzik apparently turned Houdini to get as far away from PM as possible, or maybe
PM doesn't want him around as a reminder of last season.
Probably both.
Jake, do you think he took a cut in pay, too?
ReplyDeleteI think he bailed.
Getting out while the getting is good.
He may one day make his way up the ladder at the Farm, but this guy was THE MAN here and was still running a program.
The asst. coaches who aren't very Nice, and troll this site and comment under nicknames, must be freaked out by this and wondering if there's still time for them to bail out on the sinking ship too.
Chick, that blew over my head! Though, I do suspect this was simply about a chance to advance his career.
ReplyDeleteI am all for Pete bashing when it is due but in this case it's a pebble in the pond. The real test will be how he assembles talent and game planning across the board for the renewed season. I am tired of hearing how he feels the team is entirely prepared but gets clobbered anyway. Time to show results with or without a world class strength and conditioning coach.
All the furor about a strength coach shows how bad our program is. Was he recruiting players and teaching them how to throw, catch, run, block and tackle? Was he drawing up plays and formations?
ReplyDeleteJAKE--the most interesting trend on your blog lately, I think, and am curious about your opinion:
There are apparently some parents and grandparents of players here, maybe players too, who don't like the complaints of veteran alums who are tired of a history of losing. "That was then, this is now, we want to concentrate on the present and future, etc."
This is understandable, even predictable. Newcomers want a fresh start. Old timers have seen all the fresh starts turn into same-old.
What struck me was Mangurian's mantra from his first day here that the past was irrelevant, only what happens henceforth is important, you make your own history, not live in the past, etc.
Great with me, if only it would happen. Will it happen under PM, or will his years prolong the same-old?
Either way, it would be well for both sides to realize that they are on the same side, and to fire away not at each other but at those actually responsible, whether it's LB, DM, PM or all of them plus others.
Your four years are soon over, and then you're an alum for life. Let's pull together.
Great points Chick. I am still awestruck with the possibility that PM would be telling his staff and players that the former players, alums and fans aren't worth their time or attention. amazing
ReplyDeleteWhat Jake meant by "demotion," albeit sarcastically, is that Ryan is moving to an assistant position after being the head guy at CU. Funny that it's Standford, from whom we've gotten Nottingham and now the de-commit Devin Williams. You can't make this stuff up.
ReplyDeleteI think we need to credit Pete for giving us all this drama, a real gridiron soap opera, to keep us from being bored during the off season. Upcoming episodes involving new assistants should keep things rolling along, and who knows what the scriptwriters for "Only at Columbia!" will come up with next? Hopefully recruits and their parents who dare to read this blog will be just as captivated as we are. Is it possible that a winning team can emerge, if eventually, from all this? My own guess is yes, it can happen, the law of averages favors us, and the football gods will finally show us some well-deserved sympathy.
Make that "Stanford," natch. Sorry guys, been a while since my English major days.
ReplyDeleteA Coach Cid vid with a brief glimpse of the perpetrator