Friday, February 7, 2014

Trolling on the Site

I now have a second source confirming the name of the assistant coach who is trolling this blog and harassing other readers and commenters.

This is also the person who forged the address of the email I sent to players' parents to make it look like I tried to contact the players themselves.

He also calls some people connected to the football program and blasts them for commenting on the site, something which he and his friends are also doing, albeit anonymously. The hypocrisy is outrageous.

This person is taking advantage of my Free Speech fairness and decency and has made the comment section of the blog an uglier place.

I am debating what to do with this information. I could publish the name here, email this assistant coach and CC the rest of the department, or just wait.

What would be the nice thing to do?


  1. If he is that much of a SFB that he thinks he could get away with being an idiot while in a professional position then he deserves what's coming to him.

  2. How many aliases on this board does he have?

    The funny part is that PM and his staff don't seem to get that all they need to do is reach out to us (the people who care the most about CU), acknowledge that we have legitimate gripes and concerns and that our frustration is warranted, and profess their commitment to get it right.

    That is all we have really ever desired and yet they just don't get it.

    I also wonder if PM is behind this coach or if the asst is doing it by himself. One would hope PM would have enough dignity to discourage that type of behavior from his staff.

    The football coaches are just caretakers of the program, we will be cheering for CU football long after this crew has departed. Why don't they understand that?

  3. Are you kidding me? Nice??? The nice thing to do would be to name names!!! These clowns are trying to take away free speech! Why is there any question here? I'm tired of the bullying!!!

    1. Jake,
      If possible, you should repost
      some of his worst comments with his real name included.

      Please don't repost any if one of his names is Alswingman.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Danny White, Bob Barker, Earl Campbell were him. As he became more bold I was slightly impressed with his ability to maintain separate personalities and stay in character. He missed his calling as an actor. I am also thinking Pat is him as well. Most impressive is/was his ability to carry on seemingly legit conversations with himself.

    I've seen some very colorful football conversations online but nothing like that demented fool.

  6. Tell, rat them it! Give us their initials at least!

  7. Nice wordplay Jake. I think I figured out who youre talking about.

  8. It's too bad Bellevue Psychiatric does not have authority to make pickups based on internet behavior.

    1. Al, if they could, you would be on "the bus" right now.
      Forget the stand up stick, you make a better straight man.
      Every comment you make leaves you open for ridicule.

  9. Al should be on TV doing stand up! Wasn't there a show once upon a time called "Who's the Mole"? Well I'm pleased to say Al is wrong as usual even though he thinks he's NSA, FBI and CIA! Al your actually BS...

  10. Keep telling yourselves that Danny/Bob/Earl/Pat.

    1. Al,
      You are 100% right!
      Jake is really Diane, I am an AD secretary for Diane. Danny is PM. Bob and Earl
      are assistant coaches.
      Put that aluminum foil hat back on. The little Martian men are after you again.

  11. Keep telling yourself that Earl, Pat, Danny, Bob, and ALSWINGSMAN!!!!

  12. ^ You two guys seem like good friends. Are you wearing matching outfits today?

  13. Al,
    I'm beginning to think that you should be wearing the white jacket with the really long sleeves, again.

  14. I wonder what Foehi would say about all this squabbling here. It would be hilarious.

  15. Jake, I'm not sure about nice, but I think the best thing to do for the players and the program is to inform the HC and that asst and make sure he knocks it off.
    I don't think it would be productive to expose him if he repents and quits posting under false colors. If he refuses, then go ahead and name him.

  16. Of course, you'd think PM would get rid of such an idiot.
    That should be the course of action. Meanwhile, you gotta laugh at the AD press release about Cidzik, which is longer than what they put out for the hiring of a new HC.
    Cidzik said PM and DM are the greatest ever, they said Cidzik is the greatest ever. Just seven months to football.

  17. They all really seem to love each other. CU sports being run like a professional organization? wow, I am stoked!

  18. Not just Pete but the AD has very strict rules about about social media participation for student athletes. It would be a pretty big black eye if a coach set the wrong example. That cat is out of the bag since people read this blog. I suspect it will escalate one way or the other. Maybe the merchant marines are hiring and the kid will land on his feet.

  19. Here's the article that mentions OL/DL Markham Parkune as Defensive MVP at a Texas All-Star game. He and his OL partner at undefeated Ft.Worth All-Saints are both coming our way. As you can see they're in some pretty good company at All-Saints, including Demetrius Knox, rated the #1 OG in the country and headed to Ohio State.


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