Monday, November 10, 2014

Dianne Murphys' To-Do List


If Athletic Director Dianne Murphy wants to leave office with some at least some shred of decency, she must do the following three things: 

1)  Fire Pete Mangurian on Sunday November 23rd.

Of course, Mangurian should never have been hired. And after his bizarre behavior during his first season, there were grounds to fire him in 2012.

After 2013 every other school in the nation would have fired Mangurian but we did not.

It would also have been better to let Mangurian go during this season to give us a better shot of winning at least one game this year.

But short of all that, Murphy must let Mangurian go as soon as the season is over.

Anything else would be rubbing salt in the wound.

For those who say firing the coach is not a priority and that Columbia football has deeper problems, allow me to introduce you to the concept of triage. Yes, the CU program may be suffering from a deadly cancer. But you still stop the bleeding first! Mangurian is the severe gash to the head that needs to be bandaged up now and then we can get to the more chronic problems.

Dianne Murphy saddled us with this unhinged creep. The least she can do now is get rid of him for us.

2)      Recuse Yourself from the Hiring Process and Get out of the way of Outside Help

Murphy needs to have the decency to step away from the hiring process for the new coach, and make it clear that she will not interfere with someone else taking charge. I and other true fans and sane loyal alums have long called for an outside sports hiring consulting firm to assess CU athletics and take control of our hiring process. Murphy should allow that to happen.

3)      Be Willing to Step Down Earlier

The fact that we’ve heard NOTHING about the replacement process for Murphy’s A.D. position is troubling to say the least. We need a new A.D. in place sooner than Murphy’s exit date in June.

We need an “A.D.-Elect” in place way before that.

Murphy should publicly pledge to help her replacement hit the ground running and even move to a smaller office to make room much sooner than scheduled. 


  1. Agreed on all points. Right now the CU head coaching position must appear to jobseekers as worse than swallowing cyanide. Getting Jake's proposals done
    quickly might encourage a few to think the challenge is worthwhile.

    I would add two things; Pay the new HC what a talented winning coach should make and let him hire quality assistants and pay them accordingly.

    Any shoddy, cheap fix will destroy what's left of
    Columbia football.

  2. Rally this evening on the quad. Bring pitchforks, effigies and bullhorns.

  3. As a friend of mine from cornell suggested..this is the gauntlet game where the losing coach has to go to the 50 and resign at the end of the game.
    Personally, I think they both should have yo do this task

  4. I love Mango's quote in today's Spec: "The results are bad but there is some good football being played."

    We must be watching different games. The only good football I have seen has been played by our opponents.


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