Monday, November 10, 2014

Laughing Stock, AGAIN

On this morning's "Boomer and Carton Show" on WFAN, the hosts tore into Columbia football.

You can hear the sound clip here.

It should be noted that Jerry Recco, the excellent play-by-play man for CU football and basketball, is an on-air member of the Boomer and Carton team and he had to endure this rant.

The point is not whether you like the show or like the rant, the point is that Columbia, with an administration that seems to loath any kind of publicity about sports at all, is once again a national joke. (The Boomer and Carton show is broadcast nationally, not just in New York).

Can you imagine the ridicule Columbia will be subjected to if we don't fire Mangurian ASAP and put together a REAL search committee this time and make a decent hire this time?


  1. I don't know, Jake. The daily ration of sexist swinishness that passes for "wit" on The Boomer & Carton Show" doesn't likely garner a lot of regard nowhere sane people gather in this great land of ours.

  2. Like I said, this is not about liking or not liking the show, (which is the #1 rated radio program in the market, btw), it's about how the only publicity we get is bad publicity now and we need to fix this now.

  3. I haven't listened to sports radio in many years but whoever that guy is has very serious SFB. Esiason knows how to handle himself and so does Recco. The other guy, whatever the fool's name is (Carton?), has zero talent. If that is #1 rated anything then take society down another dumb notch. Facebook and Twitter haven't succeeded well enough. He has destroyed the remaining brain cell society has left.


Please keep your comments respectful!