Friday, December 19, 2014

Give the People What they Want

Al Paul

The last three athletic directors at Columbia University have been Al Paul, John Reeves and Dianne Murphy.

It goes without saying that no amount of alumni or fans ever clamored for the hiring of any of these people. That doesn’t mean that their lack of popularity had anything to do with their well-documented failures, but it does mean that there’s ample evidence that the administration at Columbia has never taken a flyer on a fan or alumni favorite when it comes to filling this crucial job.

As far as the head football coaching position, the last time a fan/alumni favorite got that job at Columbia was when Bill Campbell was hired in 1974.

I know the conventional wisdom is that Campbell was not a success at Columbia, but that’s not really fair. His 1976 and 1978 teams were competitive during a time when Columbia, NYC, and Morningside Heights might as well have been Siberia. If Campbell had been able to ride out the storm of the late 70’s and remain through the city’s and the university’s financial and cultural rejuvenation in the 80’s, the story may have been very different.

But that’s not the main point. The point is since Campbell left the job in 1979, Columbia has hired no less than SEVEN COACHES who weren’t fan favorites and weren’t even on any real fan’s radar!

Here’s the list of those seven coaches just to prove the point: Bob Naso, Jim Garrett, Larry McElreavy, Ray Tellier, Bob Shoop, Norries Wilson, and Pete Mangurian.

Bob Naso

Sure, some fans and alums liked and supported the seven names above once they surfaced as candidates for the job. But none of them, not one, was someone fans/alums organically wished or lobbied for at all.

And that’s what makes the “we’ve tried everything and nothing’s worked” narrative we often hear from the administration so infuriating.

The fact is no they HAVEN’T EVER done what the fans have asked for when it comes to hiring. And it shows. Not every choice of the people is going to be a success of course. In fact, maybe most of them won’t. But never going with the people’s choice and failing every time sends a strong message and that message is: “Screw You.”

I suspect the evaluation of the football program just completed yesterday by Rick Taylor will go further to destroy the administration’s “we’ve tried everything” narrative. But just in case anyone is confused, remember that in the coaching and AD hirings alone, that narrative is ridiculous on its face.

Now I don’t pretend to represent most of the fans/alums. But I can tell you this: every serious fan, committed alum, and even the Columbia employees I have spoken to over the last few weeks believes Tim Pernetti would be a slam dunk excellent choice for Athletic Director.

And every serious fan, committed alum, and even the Columbia employees I have spoken to over the last few weeks believes that Joe Moglia or Tom Gilmore would be a slam dunk excellent choice for head football coach.

Does that mean we’re 100% right? Of course, no one can know that.

John Reeves

Still, I feel very confident saying that Pernetti and Moglia/Gilmore are solid fan choices that Columbia should pursue seriously and do it now. If the university does not pursue them and once again presents us with two hires for those jobs that no fan has ever even considered or supported, then let the record show that the onus for any failures by those hires is once again squarely on the shoulders of the administration and not due to “fan pressures.”

There are many other strong names to consider for these positions, and I’ve named them on this blog over the last few months. So, I don’t want to make this solely about Pernetti, Moglia,and Gilmore.

But after 53 years of football futility and 46 years without an Ivy title in basketball, it’s time for this administration to stop acting like it knows better than the fans, better than the alumni, or better than anyone.

Give us what we want for once, and then you can start acting like you know better. 


  1. Jake, I believe you made some outstanding points. And you did it without "slandering" or "insulting" the power structure, depending on their level of sensitivity.
    Bill Campbell definitely took the heat for the idiocy of '68. I can't comprehend why he wasn't a success, except for the albatross around CU's neck at that time.

    He and I have our differences, chiefly because he wrongly thinks I sided with some of the folks here who have insulted him in the past. I believe every regular reader knows that to be the opposite of the truth.
    Regardless, what you say about star chamber secret decisions rings true. No one in their right mind expects a referendum on choices, but the process should be opened up a little. Give us some hope and insight. Because most CU AD faits accompli have become faits nonaccompli.

  2. Jake, great post but I would even take it a step further. Pernetti is not the only person who is capable of taking the reigns here, just one really good candidate that would definitely indicate to me Lee is making a true effort to turn it around. There are others:

    I may be a little biased but I am a huge fan of Howie Endleman. He was interviewed last time we were looking for an AD. He played Tennis and was friends with many of us on the football team and he knows how important the success of football and basketball are to the next AD hire. He knows how to win at CU, knows how to deal with all the obstacles in our way here. He has had major financial success in the business world, too. He is also "family" as both an alum and coach. The Harvards and Princetons keep it in the family most of the time. The only knocks on him are he has not been an AD elsewhere and does not come from a "football school". I would not be upset one bit of we hired Howie.

    I also would not be upset if we hired someone who was #2 at a Penn, Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford, etc. Good academics and good athletic programs. Those types can come here, look Bollinger in the eye and tell him what length the other schools go to succeed in sports.

    I'd be OK if the hire is not Pernetti as long as the new person has the right background and credentials. We are going to know right away how serious Lee is and how much of Taylor's advice he heeded by virtue of the AD hire. I think you are saying same but wanted to voice that.

    1. Most Ivy Schools have hired alums as AD- don't think Columbia has in at least 50 years. In favor of that. Perhaps the administration would give an alum a little more respect .

  3. Good points all, WOF.

    After 2 years of anguish and anger and frustration, I for one am prepared to assume that LB is now taking this very seriously. Why? Because we're going to find out if that's the actual case in a matter of a few months. Not necessarily via sports results, but via the moves he will have to make shortly to demonstrate his intentions.
    So, I'm now watching and hoping. Trust, but verify. With luck, it all works out as we hope.

  4. So if you don't support Pernetti, based on his many missteps at Rutgers, you're perforce not a "serious fan?"

    Come on, Jake....

    1. WOF: good points- I bet you played football-
      An added point: I think that Columbia needs to hire an Assistant AD who only focuses on football- sounds over the top for an Ivy School, but this is a life and death situation now-

  5. Great idea, coach! Big Dawg, we met at the Taylor event. If they listen to him I believe we will be on the right track. I am crossing my fingers that Lee is serious about fixing this and is willing to follow Taylor's guidance/

    I think there are many like me who are praying Lee goes for it and if he does we will get very involved again. Similarly, if he doesn't we will be done and focus on our kids' schools from here on out...


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