Friday, December 19, 2014

Joe Moglia on NFL Films

You HAVE to watch this video about Joe Moglia from NFL Films.

Thanks to Bruce Wood for finding this and putting it up first on his site.


  1. Jake,
    1. Watched the video, now I understand why you're high on him. Seems like the real deal, veteran coach AND Wall Street exec, passion for the game and beyond, Fordham grad, total NYC background....and CU brushed him off without an interview threes ago? Since then, He's 32-10 as head coach, PM is 3-27 and unemployed. Have no idea if he'd bother with CU now but you have to ask to know.

    2. Do you think the 4-foot dictator in North Korea would hack the Taylor report for. Us from Bollinger's files.

  2. I'm still not hearing a good reason why Moglia would consider leaving Coastal at this stage and what would attract him to Columbia? Unfinished business and coming home to NYC may be good reasons but doubtful he would take a step down when things are going so well at Coastal.

    Is this bromance based on inside knowledge he would be interested? CU seems a much better fit for candidates looking for a big career defining challenge. Joe has already taken that step forward. The guy is ready for FBS if he decides to do so. Being snubbed by Nebraska and Michigan is hardly a slammed door. There are lots more programs out there and regardless, those schools have handled their football coaching hires poorly in recent years.

  3. This would be a fantastic opportunity to succeed where nobody else has. NY guy, doesn't need the money, great exposure, and a lot of fun if he produces.

  4. Jake and others, in case you haven't seen the news on voyforums, Asia Sunset has lost his wife. Asia is an astute commentator on Ivy football, and many of us appreciate his insights.

  5. Joe Moglia looks great, but odds are he wants another try at the FCS championship. On the other hand, how about the Ivy League championship? I'd say though he's at least a year away from a change.

    1. So what is Joe Moglia, or Tom
      Gilmore, or any other Knute Rockne that you name, going to do that any Columbia Coach is the last 55 years hasn't done? What is in their crystal ball?
      I don't think there is- the only two people who have the magic are Lee Bollinger and Bill Campbell. No Coach or AD is going to turn the program around. And these guys can do it- they have the power - but will they?

  6. It all starts with Bollinger. He needs to trust Taylor to help find the right AD, then give the AD his complete support and let the AD hire the coach. Then all they have to do is give the coach the tools and support. As simple a formula as that sounds, that has not happened here in nearly a century!

    1. Yes- tools and support- admission, financial aid, more facilities on campus, better housing, better food, higher salaries for assistant coaches- 2 year contracts for assistants-help with private schooling for assistant coaches.
      There is so much that can be done.
      Again, there is a search committee for the AD job. I do not think Taylor is in the loop on the hiring. Not sure, though.

  7. Just watched the video.

    The hope for a guy like him would be that he has some romantic notion of being the savior at CU because of his NY roots and that we are a sleeping giant, which many of us believe (even if we are biased...).

    Jake, do you have any info that he has interest or is this just a fantasy hire?

  8. And can we also have some love for last night's basketball win over a pretty good Hofstra team? Not all of Dianne Murphy's hires have been flubs, in other words.

    1. Any top coach, including Joe Moglia, is not coming to Columbia unless everything is in place on an administrative level to win. That is a tall order.

  9. Coach, I agree that the support tools you listed are vital to recruiting talent, which is where everything begins. But I do believe that good coaching--talent evaluation, practice
    and game-day decisions--are the other half of success. They are seamless. One is no good without the other.
    I am NOT a coach but I feel the coaching process does have different levels of talent just as the playing roster does.

    I also wonder why Moglia, especially at 65, would uproot himself from the the team that gave him a chance, to take on CU where he was spurned three years ago, unless he is recruited very aggressively,
    And doing that has never been CU's style.

    Richard, I follow basketball too and that was a nice win and Smith seems like a good coach but again, you need talent, depth and coaching and Columbia is usually a dime short and a day late in most sports. You can't be a bb force by shooting only three-pointers and especially since Rosenberg went down, that's what we do. But they deserve credit. Even women's bb is improved with what may be the Ivy ROY.

  10. Any coach on Jake's top prospect list should be able to upgrade this team to a three win team in 2015.
    With or without LB, and DM, new facilities, food plans etc.
    Several of you commenters, based on some of your astute observations and comments during the last two years could coach one of two wins. We, with as much poor play as we have seen in the past two years, do not realize how much potential talent we have.
    If we can keep a good coach for more than a few years, we will be in the hunt for Ivy championships.
    No, I am not Danny White.

    1. This sounds like a statement from the administration.

    2. Coach,
      If you were actually a coach at any level, I'm sure you could get us 3 wins in 2015, just by playing the right people at the right positions.
      No one wants a rebuilding year or two before we get into the win column.

  11. Coach is dead-on re his last 2 statements.
    A charismatic, talented, brilliant individual can make a difference, but nothing that significant until all the infrastructure (as in Taylor's report, hopefully) is addressed.

    This never has been one person's problem or deficiency.

  12. I think the good news is that we will all have a very good feel for Lee's true intentions based on his AD hire. If this is another head scractcher hire many of us who want to stay infolved will not. They can't BS us anymore.

    Coach, I thin Taylor's input is being considered with the AD hire. I don't knw that they will listen to him but they want him involved

  13. I rarely disagree with you, Dawg, and I agree that a coach can't do it alone but even the most talented squad will fail if they have no direction from a smart coach.

    I saw some talent in this year's squad but I also saw a coach who was discovering that talent as the
    season sped by loss after loss, because he didn't know what he had before the season started.

    I doubt you believe that a Bob Naso or PM is going to recognize the talent and use it properly, meaning making the most of the talent on hand, whatever it is.

    Remember how many times Pete said the players weren't doing what he told them, weren't executing as they were told? Doesn't that mean either they weren't capable of doing it or he didn't teach them the correct move?. Either way it's his responsibility to teach it right or find players who can do it right.

  14. Again I say we need a guy that will command instant respect from the players, not me, Jake, Dawg or Lion.

  15. There are plenty of very good coaches who want the job. Being able to pick the correct one has always been the problem for CU.

  16. It's nice to think about but there is no chance at all for Columbia to have a winning record in 2015. Is there any detail at all on recruiting or is this a lost year?


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