Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Sources: Coaching Decision Made

Multiple sources tell me the head coaching hiring decision has been made, though the official offer (no one likes to offer jobs or admission in the Ivies without a 100% guarantee it will be accepted) will take another few days to be made. 

We can expect some kind of announcement or more solid information on Friday.

Out of respect for the process, and as I await even more confirmation, I will hold off on publishing the name of the incoming HC. But I can say he has a number of positives on his resume AND he is reportedly bringing a top assistant with stellar offensive football credentials. 

Again, because of the way "search committees" and other official academic hiring processes work, you can expect to see some pushback on this news.

And perhaps most importantly, this will be the first new head coach coming to Columbia since 1957 who doesn't really have to do any significant rebuilding of the program. 

Although to be fair: After Norries Wilson was let go in 2011, Pete Mangurian had a decent well of talent in the program waiting for him but he clearly didn't think so and he tore it all down anyway. This new head coach will NOT need to, nor will he do that. 



  1. more STUPID anonymous posts !
    You guys need to get a life.

  2. Jon Poppe and his DC Rick Flanders.

  3. Tom Gilmore. Have insider knowledge

  4. UNH Rick Santos is what I guess.

  5. Poppe taking Harvard job

  6. Whoever it is, his offense will not feature the Bubble Screen, the two yard pass, the third and nine up the guy!

  7. I read a previous disgruntled post-er that said by Jake eluding to, or now publishing this information, he is hurting the program... If Jake is right, and I suspect that he may be, I believe that a lot of people owe him an apology. Also, not that I need to defend Jake, but he never picked a side, he simply reported what he unearthed. You may not like the platform, or all of the anonymity (I don't disagree), but so far, he has been spot on.

    What we should ALL be concerned with are Pilling's "untruths" (okay, lies). So for a "nationwide search" that employed "Collegiate Sports Associates", there was somehow never a posting on their web site (and the vacancy is STILL not listed)??? See the below link...


    So when did this search really start, WP? Game #6, game #7? When were the "feelers" sent out to Poppe and Santos? Who was informed? How stupid does this Columbia alumni search committee (clearly just empty checks) feel after several endorsed Gilmore and/or Garrett and they find out the resolve through Jake??? That is NOT to say that they didn't endorse Poppe, but it's just odd.

    Why didn't Pilling even speak to Nunzio? And yes, Nunzio wanted the job.

    Then there will be others who say, okay, so Jake was right, Poppe is the guy, so let's just support him. Conceptually, I get it and agree with that to a point, however, I cannot support the system that brought him here through lies. Another words, Walmart Pete needs to go. My support now goes to NYU football. And for those of you looking that little stat up, NYU gave up football in 1952. Yeah, yeah, good riddance to me. Just remember, it was Walmart Pete who put us in this situation, not me. CC '86

  8. "Why didn't Pilling even speak to Nunzio? And yes, Nunzio wanted the job." You have no clue about this at all. Come on now with these "facts" lol.

    1. How about this one?

      " How stupid does this Columbia alumni search committee (clearly just empty checks) feel after several endorsed Gilmore and/or Garrett...."

      You don't know if anyone endorsed either of those guys. This is more made up nonsense.

  9. Let's all sit tight! Jake NEVER lies! Let the new era begin!

  10. So Jake, was it one of the possible coaching names you mentioned previously?

  11. If there is a decision which has been made, then Pilling meant it when he designated Fabish as “interim”. In other words, Fabish would have had to blow everybody away with a stellar performance through the first half of the season to have gotten this job on a permanent basis. I listened to the final episode of Captain’s Corner on the Cornell game this evening. I think it was recorded after the news broke that Mark was not coming back. Unless I missed it the captains didn’t say anything about Mark—was that by design that the narrator agreed not to ask about the coaches? In any event, perhaps what happened here is that the AD and whoever he listens to concluded early on that we had the material to have a very good season and that this staff didn’t know how to harness the talent, especially on the offensive side of the ball. After all, it took until week 10 to figure out that we should be alternating our two QBs.

  12. I see that Vinny Marino has been promoted to Head Coach at Nichols college in Dudley, Mass so unfortunately it won't be him

  13. The lack of conscious thought amongst the geriatric crew in this comment section is crazy. Get with the times. Columbia doesn’t need another dusty old man running the program. We tried that with every coach and it’s worked once!! (Bagnoli in case you’re wondering who it was). Some youth in the program is exactly what Columbia needs. Give it to someone with some experience that actually wants to be around. Every good program in the league has had stability at the head coaching position. Poppe brings the stature of a coach that has had success every where he’s gone with the polish to win boosters and faculty while still getting respect of the players.

    Get onboard or get off the train.
    #RoarLion #2018

    1. Well said. WBB Coach Griffith is a great example of the type of coach most programs need. Also, a great hire by Piling.

  14. #gereatriccrew is the whole reason we sucked for decades. Your time is over and your strangle on the program is dead. Stop whining and posting negative comments “anonymously”. If you had any sense of what it takes to win in this league you wouldn’t be calling for Pilling’s job and pumping good old boy Gilmore who failed everywhere he’s been. Get on the train or GTFOH. Roar lions.

    CC ’17

  15. If a decision really has been made everyone needs to put whatever feels they have about it aside and be 100% committed to supporting the program, regardless of who you wanted. Always easy to take pot shots over supporting the people actually dedicated to winning an Ivy League championship.

  16. " Poppe brings the stature of a coach that has had success every where he’s gone with the polish to win boosters and faculty while still getting respect of the players."

    Who says its going to be Poppe.

  17. I still think its Jimbo; well placed sources

  18. Bagnoli succeeded? Older guys stink? Bagnoli was a super star at Penn. At Columbia 35-35, 20-28 Ivy. Sounds like you are T Rump fan trying to divide the CU fan base.

  19. I agree. What's with the geriatric comment? Poor taste for sure! Go grab a Bud lite ! Gilmore? No. Boden yes

  20. I am outraged by the detractors of Al Bagnoli. Please remember that when he took over the program it was at death’s door thanks to Murphy and Mangurian (and why she is in the Columbia Hall of Fame is a total mystery to me). We were being blown out with regularity, morale was in the toilet, we couldn’t recruit, players were quitting in droves, and we had real concerns about the health and welfare of our players. Thanks to the efforts of concerned alumni Al agreed to resurrect the program. Did he give us a championship? Almost, in our 8-2 season. Did he make us respectable and remove the moniker of “bye week”? You bet, in spades. So we had some soft OOC games on our schedule, but so did every other Ivy. Sure we took a step backwards this week, when we could not close out Princeton, Penn and Brown and lost another tough one to Dartmouth. but ask the opponents at those 4 schools if we were pushovers and I’m sure you’ll be told that those were tough games against a very good defense. So to me and hopefully others Al Bagnoli is a saint!!!

    1. I agree. Columbia football pre-Bagnoli and Pilling was a disaster. It was a total sh!t show every week. Worst program in all of college football in any division for decades. Actually, it might have been the worst program in college athletics, across all sports. For decades. Team got blown out and embarrassed almost every week for decades. Terrible coaching, horrible players with no talent and total apathy. The band had kids marching around in their underwear banging spoons on pots. Saying Bagnoli and Pilling didn't do a good job is laughable. Not as laughable as Columbia football before them, but pretty close.

    2. Agree with above 2 comments. Now it is time for young men in program to commit themselves to bounce back ‘24 season. One thing is certain is that in order to succeed the football program will need everyone pulling in same direction, regardless of who is named coach

  21. 35-35, 20-28 , go genuflect and proclaim sainthood! Yes way better than what preceded it but for 14 million I still call it mediocrity

  22. I dont think you have an appreciation for just how much it takes to be competitive in football. One ivy program had literal millions injected in the early 80’s and it did not produce sustained progress like the Bagnoli era. No one is happy with .500, but it is disingenuous to ignore sustained progress

    1. Question for all the Bagnoli acolytes: assuming he could have continued coaching indefinitely, do you believe Bags would ever have won an Ivy championship at CU? If so, how many years would that have taken, in your opinion? I’m going to go out on a limb and say he would not have. Even at Penn, his last conference title was back in 2012, if I’m not mistaken. Don’t get me wrong: Bags got us solidly to mediocrity, and for that, he should be thanked. As many posters are keen to remind us, our program was doodoo before he arrived. But now we need someone who can take us to the next level. I’m fully aware of how long we wallowed in the mire, but as others have pointed out, 20-29 in conference isn’t ultimately where we want to be. I know there are people who want a coronation or canonization for Bags and what he did at CU, but I’d hold off on the festivities at least until we win another conference championship.

    2. He wasn't hired to win an Ivy League title. He was hired to get Columbia to compete for a title by the end of his initial contract. To get us to the point to have a title be something we can reasonably hope for. I think he accomplished this and that's the reason that I appreciate his tenure. Again, Columbia football has been horrendous for a very long time. One of the worst programs in all of college sports. Anyone who expected him to win a title in 5 years is fooling themselves. Asking how long it would take him to win a title doesn't matter because that was never the plan.

    3. Ok, but after seven years of Bagnoli and one of his offensively challenged protégé, are we close to “competing for an Ivy title”? Doesn’t look like it to me. We had that 8-2 (5-2) season under Bags (in year three), yes, but that was the high water mark. The program was in better shape after Bags than it was before him, but you almost have to ask how it could not be. For what it’s worth, I expect that all coaching hires will strive to win championships. Demand excellence. The “let’s be content with mediocrity” attitude is part of why we have only one conference title.

  23. Either be part of the solution or part of the problem. If you want to bitch and moan I have no patience for your comments. This blog should be for people who love Columbia football and not for detractors. PS, on the captains corner CJ Brown basically said that he is trying to come back for a fifth year and Pat P said he is working hard to line up as many seniors with a fifth year to come back as possible.

    1. A nice example of thinking in binaries and not understanding that life is very much about the gray areas.

  24. Mediocrity ...OOC 15-7 ..Ivy 20-28 ..Thank you Marist, Central Connecticut St and Wagner.. Did any other Ivies play these teams. Build in three wins and proclaim an upgrade. As they say in Philly "Aw Cmawn"

  25. New Era on the way!

  26. Part of the solution: if you can offer internship for seniors during spring semester it helps make decision to come back for fifth year. You want wins? This is what h,y,pr and penn do every year

  27. Constructive criticism doesn't make you a detractor. It does help to get rid of an incompetent head coach. Bubble Screen goodbye.

    1. I do love this comment and am in support lol

  28. Columbia is never out recruiting Harvard ,Yale or Princeton

  29. Some NIL$ and big internships would maybe help keep the 5th years around.

  30. I believe that it is fair to be concerned with the direction of the program; especially the way that this search has been (mis)handled thus far. Honestly, all the administration had to do is simply say "Since we posted the position on November 23rd (although not listed on the search service's web site???), we have we have reached out to and/or received X amount of inquiries and applications ranging from FBS, FCS, and other Divisional coaches interested in the vacant position (no names or schools needed). After the service and my staff have vetted the initial candidates, we have decided to interview X candidates with the hope of getting someone in place by December/January X; or sooner." A message like this from the AD's office would disarm quite a few people, in my humble opinion. It simply says that we are moving forward with the process in a professional and responsible manner. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

    If they have selected Poppe, great, let's get him on board sooner than later and just move forward. If not, and it is someone else, then let's get them here immediately and still move forward. You will never appease every alum, fan, player or parent. However, the mishandling of this mess, and it is a mess, is not fair to the new coach, and certainly not the players who read this blog.

    Regarding Jake, he's simply reporting what parents, players out coaches have confided in him. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm sure that he is not 100% right all of the time, however, he is right more often than not. To my recollection, Jake has not shared a preference of Poppe, Gilmore, Santos, Campenelle, Larson or Garrett, etc. (names that kept coming up). Again, he is merely reporting what people have told him, directly. Whether it is who the administration has contacted, who they have not contacted, or their rationale as to why certain coaches would/would not be a (perceived) good fit, I appreciate his insight. It's also important to note, from what I've read, that Jake is not anti-Pilling or the administration. What he has said is that the league is the closest in parity that we've ever seen in decades. There were THREE Ivy Champs this year! We just need to move fast to get this matter settled internally so that we can move forward.

    Roar Lions!

    1. You don't know anything about the search and are unqualified to comment on it. Your criticism is based on what you'd like to have happen, which is unrealistic. Your entire 1st paragraph is utter nonsense.

    2. But he’s not wrong that almost no information about the search has been shared with the general public. The guy doesn’t seem to ask for anything confidential—really just a “this is our rough timeline” kind of statement. That said, I don’t think the stonewalling from CU is creating “a mess.” Silence is very common in these situations, and it’s not the end of the world. And good on Pilling for not tolerating what was (not) accomplished this year.

    3. Schools just don't do that though. There's a press release about the termination, a search firm is involved and they are looking for a new guy. That's all you get.

  31. "New Era on the way!" All the schools getting a new head coach say the same thing. lol

    1. I'm pretty sure the New Era means Jimbo is on the way!!!!

  32. For those of you bashing Peter Pilling and the “mishandling “ of this search what insider information do you have to support your criticism? Or is your opinion just based on the info that has been put forth so far, what you have read on this blog, and the fact that the Columbia HC position “has not been posted on” the Collegiate Sports Associates website? Speaking of the job postings, don’t you think that collegiate coaching positions (especially DI) with application details and links would be in a password protected part of the website or even a completely different website with access only granted to those who are “members” and probably have been vetted to some degree? Could you imagine if those postings and links were publicly posted? Every high school coach who thinks he is all that and a bag of chips would be applying for open collegiate positions. What a nightmare having to weed through that mess! So maybe use your head and don’t jump to opinions based on little to no factual information. Unless you have first hand knowledge of the search and how it’s been conducted then everything you know is just hearsay and therefore useless.

    As for the coaching selection having already been made, no amount of speculating, criticizing, or whining is going to change who the new coach is nor is it going to encourage the admin to make the announcement any sooner. So chill out. We will all find out in due time.

    1. Peter Pilling is as incompetent of an AD as you can get. Nobody in that athletic department has any respect for him. Maybe the ones that steal money from the university and don’t actually work respect him. But I can promise you nobody is a fan of his. He does absolutely no work of his own at all. Has corny stories and anecdotes about airplane simulators and such. And I’m keeping it extremely PC and holding back my true feelings for that man. I would hold zero faith in that man to make the right hire. Whatever will cause him the least amount of work will be the route he takes. Promise you that

    2. This is such a poor take. You remember who we had before? Everyone just forgetting Dianne Murphy? The one that gave 3-27 off back to back 0-10 seasons Mangurian a 4th year? Hating on Pilling is so misguided. He was able to go to the school and actually get the funding necessary to hire a quality coach like Bagnoli and get the funding to pay assistants. Any idea how much an assistant college coach makes? Any idea how much it costs to live in NYC these days? Prior to Pilling the assistant coaches got paid the exact same amount whether they worked at Columbia in NYC or at Dartmouth in Hanover. Check your ego at the door and get on board for the future.

    3. Just because you have a history of horrific athletic directors doesn’t mean this current athletic director isn’t also terrible. I know first hand significantly more about the ins and outs of the CU athletics department under Mr. Utah than you do. You’re giving him credit when really you should be giving Bollinger credit. Bollinger was the one that made the decision to invest significantly more into the athletic programs after Mangurian. Pilling made a great hire with Bagnoli, that’s where my credit for him ends. If you want to give anyone credit for getting those salaries up, then look no further than Bagnoli. He was the one that said it was my way or the highway, we need significantly more funding for xyz if we are going to change this around. Credit Bollinger for putting his money where is mouth is & supporting it. Pilling was just the middle man. And a lazy one at that. These are all facts and have nothing to do with ego

  33. With all due respect, there are hundred of posts about this subject, literally. A statement from the administration about the process, or any update on this matter would be welcomed. I understand that Peter has no obligation to do such a thing, but it was an innocuous request (above). I'm not sure what you lose by sending out a statement like that. The only statement that we all received was that there is a nationwide search and the company/web site that is conducting the search. I actually went on the link that was previously provided and I didn't see the posting either. That was strange. Maybe that means that we already have a coach. Maybe not?

    1. The link has very little to do with this. I'm sure you know that most of the search is conducted by people talking. Filling out a form online is not the first thing that happens. Same is true of the actual posting on the Columbia website. That will be there before the hire is announced for sure but that's to satisfy the posting requirement. Also, I'm sure you know that the hundreds of posts about this haven't been read by anyone involved in the search.

  34. No password needed...


    1. How is Pilling not allowing anonymous applications the way jake allows comments. How does he not provide regular updates to this most august group of J’s and A’s (jagoffs and asshats). Oh and it is not at all a sign of your overblown self-importance that some of you actually think this blog drivel had anything to do with decisions made by admin

      And you should listen to what I say, I have long been a favorite of Kraft’s. He told me so himself

  35. I'm thinking for the Spring Game a JAKE BLOG Tailgate (boxing ring optional) to meet these passionate fans! No name tags necessary, everyone is "ANONYMOUS"...

    1. I'd love to meet some of you. Only issue is that I never leave my house and only wear pajamas. Haha.

  36. Someone should ask Peter for the text of the job posting. It would certainly make for an interesting read! By the way, are we to infer (from the various obliquities posted in the comments) that Poppe is our new head coach? I’d certainly be fine with that, and I could see him getting us back to .500 in his first year. The league was pretty, ahem, balanced this year, so not as heavy a lift as it might otherwise be.

  37. If the link, or commissioned search group have very little (or anything) to do with this (a cop out statement, BTW), then why posit it at all? And if you do post it, at very least actually list the position. You can't have it both ways. Come on, seriously... Previous posters would refute that nobody fills out an application online these days. So which is it? Also, I can assure you that staff members who report to Peter do read the Blog as do the Football Committee members.

    1. Where can I fill out an application? Pretty sure I could have us middle-of-the-pack right away. If not, there’s always Mango to show us how much worse things could be.

  38. The job has to be posted on the Columbia website before the hiring is announced and the application does have to be filled out. Don't think that the job isn't necessarily filled before those things happen.

  39. "Also, I can assure you that staff members who report to Peter do read the Blog as do the Football Committee members."

    You really believe that? lol

    1. And those staff members tell Peter what they read? Ha!

    2. That sir is why they are working so hard on landing Jimbo. He is most mentioned candidate on this forum!

  40. A very exciting time with all the intrigue.

    But I am cracking up at the invite to the spring game. I actually was going to invite everyone to gather at Homecoming - no boxing ring. I would've reserved a table for this entire crew. The weather sucked, so I didn't follow through. And I also realized - duh - that while we might be sitting or standing next to each other in the stands or under the tent, we would never know. Just about everyone is incognito and most wouldn't want to blow their covers.

  41. You move, I'll cover

  42. You do realize there are only 3 actual people who are posting. I for one love arguing with myself

  43. From Henry Santos - a faithful alum. Posted on facebook...


  44. John Garrett would be a big mistake, thankfully they know better and he won't be the next coach.

  45. Another FCS head coach opening. Marist HC is retiring. So you have Columbia, Cornell, Stony Brook and now Marist looking for new head coaches.

  46. New to the program but going to opine anyway. We don’t need another former Bergen Catholic coach, it’s a big country and we need to be more than their feeder program. Don’t need an assistant coach with no head coach experience, they are different skill sets and not necessarily transferable (shown time and time again at all levels). Don’t need a coach with a Columbia background as a requirement who “knows how develop kids of character”. By definition of them being here, these kids already have character. We need a coach who can teach kids how to win, will not accept mediocrity and purge it wherever it exists, and who can bring in/ keep the right staff who will help him accomplish this. BC or Columbia experience is not a requirement, the only requirement is documented ability to instill a winning culture at the JUCO, D1,2 or 3 level. I may be naive but let’s set a stretch goal and not settle

  47. Purging mediocrity in the above post has been my theme . Those who know football understand where we have been. We don't want to be competitive, we want a championship 🏆

  48. Well said! The last 8 years? Fools gold

    1. You don't snap your fingers and the worst program in the history of college football becomes champions. Bagnoli got us on solid footing for that to be a possibility now. Show some gratitude and a bit of respect.

  49. 'Another FCS head coach opening. Marist HC is retiring. So you have Columbia, Cornell, Stony Brook and now Marist looking for new head coaches.'

    All in New York State!

  50. Jay Anderson, Yale

    Would think Josephson comes as well.

  51. So it appears Bags was the puppet master here as this was way out of Pilling's bandwidth. I imagine much of the staff with be kept intact as part of this arrangement. I like the hire, just don't like how the so called " search" was conducted.

  52. If it’s Jay Anderson he will be the only black HC in the IL; sounds like a fantastic choice if it’s true. And if Josephson comes along he will light up the offense. Does Stovall stay if we are bringing in a defensive guy as HC, or can we expect Stovall to get the Cornell job? I like going to Yale for the next HC; those guys know how to win.

    1. Hearing Jack Del Rio coming in as DC.

  53. Didn't we try Yale before with Shoop?

  54. Cornell would never consider Stovall as HC 🤣

  55. Ummmmm, did you see our "defense" under Stovall? And you would retain him, why? He has Sprint Football players playing DB???

    Keep Auggie and D'Orazio and move on...

    Yes, correct, Shoop was a Yalie and that didn't exactly work out so well. Nobody really liked him and he's had several "transitions" since CU (Umass, Pen State, TN, Old Miss and MI). They've been BIG jobs though, so good for him.

    This guy, Anderson, has only been at Yale since 2022 and a short stint at JHU prior to that. He clearly lacks experience. This may be another Walmart Pete getting the cheapest guy.


    Poppe and let's move on.

    Surprisingly, there ARE coaches outside the Northeast who are experienced and good. I love the argument (that some people offer) that not all coaches understand the Ivy AI. Really???

    1. I am now firmly convinced you are the daddy of a 6’1” 4th string db

    2. Give us an example of an experience and good coach outside the NE who'd come here. You're probably right but a good example would help. Please be sure to consider the candidates career path and provide reasons why the job fits. As an example of Coach that the job does not fit would be Santos at UNH. The job would fit a guy like Poppe. Thanks.

    3. Agree with the above - you’re definitely a disgruntled parent who’s kid wasn’t good enough to play lol. D’Orazio was somehow a worse OC than Fabish and Fabish teetered on pissing his pants every 3rd down

  56. Ha! I was going to say that my daughter could cover WRs better, but I won't... and she wouldn't give the 10-15 yard buffer off the line that we graciously provided all year. Mock me all you want, just listen to Jack Ford, Slideckie or Joe Valero who called several games. Even OUR announcers were dumbfounded by our positioning. And if I had a 6'1 DB on the team who wasn't playing with this "talent"... I would tell him to enjoy rugby.

  57. Jack better have a name posted tomorrow or this whole thread is worthless. Even I could say they decided on a name but never reveal it until an official announcement later.

  58. So if they pick someone, let’s say Poppe for argument sake, and the announcement comes on 12/8 as opposed to 12/1, that invalidates Jake?

    I’m just asking, NOT defending Jake or the Blog, I just want to understand your rationale, respectfully.

  59. Anticipation is killing us!

  60. Example: https://goduke.com/sports/football/roster/coaches/zach-sparber/4540

  61. Ivy educated, honors, two Masters Degrees, Duke coach. Cam Dillon endorsed. Understands the AI…

    1. "Cam Dillon endorsed"? Who cares? Is this a joke? You just picked a name off the internet. That's your pick? This guy isn't a candidate for any head job anywhere yet.

  62. "So if they pick someone, let’s say Poppe for argument sake, and the announcement comes on 12/8 as opposed to 12/1, that invalidates Jake?"

    Yes it would in my view given the premise of this report was that they have already decided according to Jake.

  63. Zach Sparber? No previous coordinator or previous HC experience. The stuff people post is hilarious.

  64. For the serious posters here, it's Poppe. Let's support him and get this thing turned around and compete for a title.

  65. (For the serious posters here, it's Poppe. Let's support him and get this thing turned around and compete for a title.}

    And you know it's Poppe how?

  66. I hope Jake has his usual good sources. I hope he had some input into the process, but that is just me. There are mega intangibles to this hire that I think Jake would be able to describe and elaborate upon to any search committee. What I like is Jake's comment that the to-be-hired HC is bringing a top assistant with impressive offensive credentials. That points to a HC hire with pre-HC experience on the defensive side of the ball recognizing the help he would need offensively to turn this around and/or the understanding that the HC needs to address all the needs of team in all the positional groups and not spend excess time with the offense, even if he has excellent OC experience. Sounds like a win-win either way. I actually look forward to the announcement.

    Now if there were an offense that trusted that the kids were smart and can play creatively AND that TEs are a critical part of modern day offenses, my dreams would come true! Hope the new HC keeps Hoffman.

  67. I guess decorum dictates we just let pass the idea of Jake being able to add something to the selection process?

  68. "I guess decorum dictates we just let pass the idea of Jake being able to add something to the selection process?"

    I'll give Jake until tomorrow to make some kind of announcement.

  69. The new hire will make sense once the announcement is made. Lots of connections to CU

  70. "The new hire will make sense once the announcement is made. Lots of connections to CU"

    Is that you Jake? lol

  71. It's Gilmore. He's been on campus all day. That's it.

    1. I’ll bet you season tickets to the 2024 season it’s not Gilmore.

  72. "It's Gilmore. He's been on campus all day. That's it. "

    Oh sure.

  73. Poppe would be a great hire. And since he would win pretty much right away, we wouldn’t have to hear all the “winning is so hard at Columbia” drivel.

  74. I met the new hire today while I was on campus in Dodge. The he is a she. The new head football coach is a woman. Formal announcement coming soon (she's probably shopping for the right suit pants). Columbia is once again trying to break the glass ceiling in its strive for irrelevance. I wish her luck.

    1. MEG - intradepartmental transfer!!!

  75. Gilmore is old news. He didn't even coach this year after getting fired in 2022.

  76. Replies
    1. He's been working out and getting ready for a big comeback. He's ready.

  77. He's been working out and getting ready for a big comeback. He's ready.

    Not a chance it's a loser like Gilmore. My sources says it's Poppe....book it!

  78. The older folks who gather here will remember the show, “To Tell The Truth”. Of course, we are, at least most of us, waiting in great anticipation. A couple of the above comments ponder the actual number of people (including some 🤡s) who weigh in on Jake’s blog. Remember from the show? “My name is Anonymous.”….“My name is anonymous.”…. “My name is anonymous!”….. and at the end, “Will the real anonymous please stand up!” See you all next year at the homecoming tent for our version of To Tell The Truth! And well before then, we will know the name of Columbia’s new head coach and staff which currently remain ——- anonymous.

  79. Gilmore is the clear choice. A red ass is needed with these players

  80. "Gilmore is the clear choice. A red ass is needed with these players"

    Who's vastly overrated in terms of wins/losses, leave the search to professionals....thanks.

  81. Ray Tellier is available

  82. Don't be funny. He did better than Bagnoli, Ivy wise.

  83. Good luck to Peter when he solicits the 80s or 90s alums (or other classes as well) for donations. He wouldn't even extend "their guys" interviews (facts, BTW). This whole process was a joke! Chronologically, they had to have reached out to Poppe well before the end of the season (sorry Coach Fabish). It turns out that they didn't extend an interview to Coach Campenelle, Coach Gilmore or Coach Garrett. I get it, maybe not interviewing one or two of them, but to not even interview all three; come on! And this "nationwide search" with Collegiate Sports Associates was a sham. Look, I DO NOT care that they selected Poppe. Good luck to him and this is certainly no fault of his; Carpe Diem! Congrats on a great season at Union and he is off to the races on Morningside Heights (or is new office on W218th Street)... However, we were misled (lied to) by the athletic administration and this agenda was set in place months ago.

    Once this fiasco is over, I will be sending President Shafik a note about how this mess was handled and I would encourage you disgruntled alums to do the same: officeofthepresident@columbia.edu.

    1. You're completely deranged.

    2. What makes you think you deserve to be heard in this coaching search??? Get off your high horse.

  84. Why are you offended? If you expect more influence why don’t you donate money? Those three candidates are trash why would he throw you guys (who clearly don’t donate shit) any bones?

    1. He's offended because he's bonkers.

  85. "It turns out that they didn't extend an interview to Coach Campenelle, Coach Gilmore or Coach Garrett."

    And they shouldn't have. Thanks for playing though. lol

  86. Well I happen to know the interviewers asked terrible questions of the candidates. They didnt even ask them to name their biggest weakness. And another thing …

    You Columbia dudes are pretty weird.

  87. Nobody knows anything about this search, but this sure is entertaining.

  88. Ah, so if I gave (more) money, I would get greater influence, huh??? I love seeing those "big" donors flex at games and especially at homecoming with their laminated cards on lanyards that Peter provided. They distribute the extra tickets to the games like the big shots that they are. Does that garner them the influence that you are talking about? Question... how do they feel now? Is Pete still your guy? Were you notified by Jake who they selected, or did Peter call you personally and tell you that although you proposed Coach X, the Collegiate Sports Association and I decided to go in a different direction. What suckers!

    And please, no profanity on this Blog. If you can't articulate a clear and coherent point of view, please don't respond at all.

    Best of luck Coach Poppe!

  89. Yes, more money = more influence. It’s how its is and how its always been. It’s no different at any school in the country. I feel good? I’m not personally offended by the process. I trust our athletic director to do what’s best for the program as he’s done for the last 8 years. I don’t know why you are so angry. Just relax man.

  90. [Nobody knows anything about this search, but this sure is entertaining.] - You got that right!!!!!

  91. 80’s/90’s being upset “their guy” didn’t get an interview when there is little to no alumni involvement or donation coupled with the fact you had a combined 16 Ivy wins outside of Marcellus saving your ass is the funniest thing I’ve read all week.

  92. My son graduated last year but I keep track on this blog because I am curious what is happening with the team. Especially since I still personally know so many kids on the team. I only wish there was so much interest in the team on this blog back when my kid played. Back then, they'd be lucky to have 15 comments per game. So I love the passion. I just hope all the commenters now can come together and support whoever is selected as the new coach and propel the program forward. The kids over the past few years have put in some hard work to tee up the upcoming classes. I think the future is bright. Have faith in the kids putting in the work. The right leadership will get the boys in the right spot. Wins will come.

  93. I hearby swear off any further use of the terms asshats and jagoffs if we can all agree the fellas that put on the uniform will henceforth be referred to as players, men or young men but please no more “kids”

  94. Fair point. But when they are your son's peers, they are kids in my eyes. They are indeed young men. It's the old coach in me.

    1. Understandable. My only critism of coach B was his constant use of “kids”. Pretty damn good program when that is the only complaint.
      As an aside, I am pretty sure players accept accountability for on field disappointment this year. And those here talking about program needs a hard ass to get best out of players just sound silly to me. I believe Bags/Fab did indeed install a winning culture. I know that sounds silly, but I for one am not interested in the opinions from the “Bye Week” Columbia fans

  95. Tomorrow is Friday the day Jake said we would hear something - WE WANT NEWS!

  96. Sorry, but I heard from INSIDE Pilling’s office (mid-level employee/administrator) that the announcement will be on Sunday, not today. The delay, if you want to call it that, is because they will also want to announce key hires joining (or being retained) on the staff. These more experienced coaches will help Poppe hit the road running. Rest assured, Poppe will our-work every other HC in the league.

  97. How can it be Poppe if he has only been at Union for less than one year? Did he has an out in his contract permitting him to leave at any point if he was offered an Ivy or other HC opportunity?


  98. i appreciate cu football fans' enthusiasm on this site:

    "he is reportedly bringing a top assistant with stellar offensive football credentials"

    if it is poppe, is he bringing anthony fucillo as his offensive coordinator?

  99. re above comment re poppe


    a coach can be fired after 1 year? yes
    a coach can be fired during his 1st year, even before his first season has ended? yes

    so why can't a coach leave after successfully finishing his 1st year? i am sure there are provisions in contract which imagine various scenarios?

    i think it goes both ways

    thank you everyone

  100. Either some news is leaked by Jake today or this post was just clickbait.

    1. His original post says they decided to OFFER someone. Probably accurate. He then mentions that ivies only make offers to people they are likely to accept. Probably not entirely true. Hopefully the person they offered accepts the job. I hope it's Lincoln Riley.

  101. "His original post says they decided to OFFER someone. Probably accurate. He then mentions that ivies only make offers to people they are likely to accept. Probably not entirely true. Hopefully the person they offered accepts the job. I hope it's Lincoln Riley."

    In other words, clickbait.

  102. The administration would love to announce it today, HOWEVER, Union is having their football banquet, so out of respect for the players, it will be formally announced on Sunday.

    Unfortunately, Jake was unaware of the Dutchmen football banquet schedule. Regardless, the information is sound.

    Move on, move forward with Coach Poppe….

  103. Who says it's Poppe?

  104. Just ask the Football (Hot Dog) Committee or these BIG donors for confirmation… oops, Walmart Pete hasn’t advised them yet. ��

    Wait, the faux collegiate search committee must advise ALL of the candidates that they interviewed on their NATIONAL search that they decided to go with another candidate.

    It is also abundantly clear that Walmart Pete is basically telling the new Columbia President that he is being fiscally responsible by hiring a new Head Football coach on the cheap.

  105. "Who says it's Poppe?"

    I seriously doubt it is.

  106. Why the hostility toward Peter Pilling, and the nickname? All in all, he is far, far better than M. Dianne Murphy, and even his patience with MBB coach Engles may be paying off based upon the good start to the season.

    1. Totally agree. Peter Pilling is always approachable and cordial. Now don’t get me started on Al Paul along with M. Diane Murphy.

    2. Columbia , as a program is not a good one. Sporadically a winning season here and there. It’s record since it started in 1870 is 412 wins 697 losses and 43
      This doesn’t mean that it can’t be a winning program. But the person who left Coach Bagnoli was the consistent coach that Columbia has had since Lou Little in the late 1930’s to the mid 40’s.
      412 wins since 1870. Columbia taught Yale to play in 1872 . Yales record since is 937 wins 390 losses with 55 Ties. Now that is how it’s done. That’s a culture of Football.

    3. Mediocrity PurgerFriday, December 01, 2023

      Engles is awful. Don’t be fooled by the results so far this year. Look at the last seven years instead. We will still get hosed by Princeton.

    4. Guys like you actually hope we lose.

    5. Mediocrity PurgerFriday, December 01, 2023

      Whatever you need to tell yourself, Anonymous. Clown.

  107. You guys feel stupid yet?

  108. Why “Walmart Pete”? I don’t get the significance of the reference to Walmart. PS, Rob Walton is a Columbia Law School grad.

  109. Hoopsters looking good, smart and steady, talented and fun to watch. Congrats to Coach Engles for breaking through!

  110. Fools gold 😂😂


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